The Sandwerf staff happily walking on the grounds of Sandwerf.

the community

Empowering Lives, Building Futures

One of the grooms tending to a horse at Sandwerf.
The Sandwerf pastry chef at work.
A lady member of the Sanders staff dressed in yellow for a special occasion.

In the heart of Sandwerf lies a thriving community bound by the shared values of growth, compassion, and collective well-being. Our community is more than residents - a tapestry of diverse individuals, each contributing to the vibrant spirit that defines Sandwerf.

At the core of our community initiatives is a groundbreaking approach to employment, with one job created per hectare. This unprecedented commitment stands in stark contrast to traditional agricultural models. Sandwerf provides livelihoods and cultivates careers, fostering sustainable employment opportunities that ripple through our local community.

Our commitment goes beyond immediate economic empowerment. Sandwerf is a learning and skill development hub with exciting plans for a vocational training centre. This center will offer a range of courses in hospitality, agriculture, welding, woodwork, animal care and mechanics, equipping residents with the skills they need for a brighter, more promising future.

As we transition into a Trust, our community engagement initiatives continue to grow. Through collaborative projects, cultural exchange, and shared learning experiences, every individual in Sandwerf's community plays a crucial role in a transformation far beyond our physical boundaries. Join us in nurturing a community where each person is a vital thread in the fabric of progress and shared prosperity.

The Sandwerf community is dining under the stars around an open fire.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

A father tenderly kisses his young daughter on the cheek at Sandwerf.