
Cultivating Dreams,
Nurturing Futures

An abstract macro photo of the seeds of a dried plant used as decoration.
A lady in a white dress interacting with a horse in a grass field.
The interior of one of the accommodation units.

Step into Sandwerf, a realm where dreams blossom, communities thrive, and every visit sows the seeds of a brighter tomorrow.

"Let all that you do be done in love."

- 1 Corinthians 16:14 -

Please note that to maintain a serene atmosphere, Sandwerf is only open to overnight guests.

Annika and Leon with one of the Sandwerf horses.

about sandwerf

Discover the story behind Sandwerf, where community, agriculture, and tourism converge, shaping dreams into reality. Meet founders Leon and Annika Barnard and learn about their transformative vision propelling Sandwerf towards purposeful progress.

The gardener is tending to the flowers in the Sandwerf Garden.

sandwerf's projects

Dive into Sandwerf's various sustainable development projects, from innovative agritourism ventures to community empowerment initiatives, and discover the heart of our impact.

The gardener is tending to the flowers in the Sandwerf Garden.
A horse sniffs the hand of one of the participants.

retreats at sandwerf

Embrace tranquillity at Sandwerf Retreats. Our professional orchestrated healing retreats offer introspection, creativity, and a harmonious journey to inner peace by licensed psychotherapist M.Sc. Joyce Angolini.

The view is from one of the private verandas, overlooking the private plunge pool and horse paddocks with wilderness in the background.

visit sandwerf

Discover the various experiences that await you at Sandwerf, where you can get a flavour of true horsemanship at Joseph's Dream Stud and explore our sustainable estate amidst picturesque landscapes.

The view is from one of the private verandas, overlooking the private plunge pool and horse paddocks with wilderness in the background.
A young married couple embrace in the Sandwerf church that overlooks the Sandwerf establishment.

your event at sandwerf

The refined elegance and natural beauty provide a stunning backdrop for cherished occasions. Whether it's a wedding, corporate or private event, or workshop, our venue seamlessly blends sophistication with Namibia's tranquil landscapes.

The staff at Sandwerf pose for a photo whilst busy with day-to-day task at Sandwerf.

sandwerf's vision

Discover Sandwerf's visionary aspirations for a sustainable future, where purpose guides every endeavour towards global impact.

The staff at Sandwerf pose for a photo whilst busy with day-to-day task at Sandwerf.
An abstract sepia photo of the grape vines at Sandwerf.